The page of marx Here are some programs and scripts that I've written

bender.bsh:              This script shows an ASCII Bender and the current date, this is for running on remote ssh servers as a sort of 'keep alive'

checkhost.bsh:		 This script checks for a certain host being up at a specified interval.  Once the host responds an AIM notification is sent.

csv.bsh:                 This script can be used interactively or against a file/list of names. The script spits out username, name, password in csv format. (good for import into google apps)

prep.bsh:                This script prepares a Centos 6 server for first time use by setting the hostname and firewall rules and also installing some open source software

sheet.bsh:               This script prepares a little 'info' sheet for a new employee, including: username, password, ldap and email servers, etc.

user.bsh:                This script interactively takes a first name, last name and password and creates an ldap user with those properties and adds them to groups. SSH key-auth is required.

truecrypt_mount.bsh:     This is a simple little script that just mounts my truecrypt partition and reports whether the mount was succesful or not.

truecrypt_unmount.bsh:   This script does the opposite of the above script. :)

print_listen.bsh:        This script harvests emails from a specified IMAP account, extracts the attachments, converts them if needed and then prints them.

fix_license.ps1:         My first Powershell script, this fixes the license string in a certain xml config file


(nothing here currently)

Random Stuff:

.bashrc file		 These are a lot of aliases from my bashrc file. It mainly accounts for common typos that I make, with a few other shortcuts as well
